Mar 15, 2024
‘The goal is not that little logo but rather continuous improvement in the areas of quality and the environment’
The final audits were recently completed, and since last week it is official. Bulsink is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified. What was the motivation? What does getting these certifications involve? And what does it mean for customers and employees? We asked Manager Operations Marcel Klerks, who oversaw the certification process internally.
ISO 9001 and 14001—what’s the difference between these two standards?
‘ISO 9001 concerns quality management: how you ensure quality in your organisation and the services you provide, whether you have a clear picture of risks and opportunities, and most importantly that you can demonstrate you are learning from experience.’
‘ISO 14001 concerns sustainability: that we assess the environmental impact of our operations and how we use that information, both in our office and at the construction site.’
We are growing very rapidly, which makes it even more important to take a structured approach.
- Marcel Klerks, Manager Operations
What was the motivation?
'We are growing very rapidly, which makes it even more important to take a structured approach. At Bulsink, we have always pursued certain standards in terms of quality and sustainability, and with ISO certification we are safeguarding those standards through uniform procedures, even with partners.’
From now on, employees and customers are going to see the PCDA principle reflected in all project.
How does a certification process like this work?
‘Last May, I started identifying and mapping out our processes. How do we do it now? What is the desired situation? Does our process description meet the ISO standard requirements?’
‘Once we had everything on paper, we started testing and auditing it. First internally. And then externally, for the certification. Late last year we were approved for ISO 9001, and ISO 14001 followed in January. Last week we actually received the certificates.’
Impact ISO certification on employees and partners
‘For Bulsink employees and partners the ISO certification means a structured approach, with uniformity in the quality policy and environmental policy. We also spend more time evaluating with clients and partners to identify areas of improvement, based on the PDCA principle: Plan, Do, Check, Act. From now on, employees and customers are going to see the PDCA principle reflected in all projects.’
‘The goal of our certification is not that little logo but rather continuous improvement in the areas of quality and the environment. To that end, recertification audits will also be conducted each year, during which we will have to show that we have put our improvement plans into practice.’
Examples of improvement plans
‘In terms of sustainability, reducing our CO2 emissions is a key focus area. It is easy to measure which concrete measures contribute to this, for example more electric transport or carpooling to the construction site.’
‘But we are also going to collect and analyse much more quality-related data. For example, how many punch list items we have per project, and how to reduce that number. Of course we have always noted these items and resolved them all to the customer's satisfaction, but now we are going to monitor this consistently so we can identify areas in which we and our partners need to further develop and structurally improve our operations.’
VCA certified
In addition to the ISO certifications, we're also VCA certified. The VCA certificate underlines our commitment to ensure a safe working environment, protecting the health of our employees and minimizing our impact on the environment.